Chem Nutri Analytical was founded on the principles of quality assurance at all levels. To meet our service commitment, we endeavour to stay on the forefront of development in line with global standards and local requirements.
SANAS Accreditation: ISO/IEC 17025 Quality Systems
Chem Nutri Analytical is a SANAS accredited testing laboratory. As evidence of our commitment to quality assurance, the laboratory achieved satisfying the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025 within 2 years of operation. Refer to for our schedule of accreditation.
AFMA Affiliated
Chem Nutri Analytical is an Affiliate Member of the Animal Feed Manufacturers Association of South Africa and provides laboratory services to the feed industry.
Proficiency Testing
Chem Nutri Analytical regularly participates in both domestic and international proficiency testing programmes. The laboratory has achieved certification by the Agricultural Laboratory Association of South Africa (Agrilasa).